8 mins read

Bedtime Music: 10 Soothing Classical Pieces for Kids

The following is a guest post by Robert Greenberg, author of How to Listen to Great Music: A Guide to Its History, Culture, and Heart. Ah, bedtime. The kids’ teeth are brushed; their pj’s are on; the book has been read, and then read again. They have been kissed goodnight. At which point begins THE BIG STALL. “I’m hungry”; “I’m thirsty”; “I need to go to the bathroom”; “I need to call my broker”; etc.

2 mins read

Music for the Baby During Pregnancy

Fetuses can most definitely hear you, beginning at the start of the second trimester. Playing music for your baby, still in the womb, may be all the rage, but it may not be good to overdo it. Just because the fetus can hear doesn’t mean that you should try to enhance sensory stimulation. Too much of that could lead to bizarre adaptation patterns, according to “Psychology Today.”

2 mins read

How to Choose Baby Music CDs

With literally hundreds of baby music CDs available, there is a great variety to choose from, including instrumental music, classic nursery rhymes, adapted classical, jazz and white noise. You even can make your own mix of songs. Any CD you buy should come from a reputable company, have great-quality sound and be age-appropriate.

3 mins read

Music & A Baby’s Health

Infants can recognize music, noise and sounds at a very early age, and introducing them to different types of music offers several health and developmental benefits. Soothing music can relax babies and make them more comfortable with their environment, and different musical notes and tunes can also develop auditory system and hearing skills.

2 mins read

Soothing Baby Music Ideas

Colicky, anxious or stressed infants will calm down naturally when they hear soft and smoothing music. Music can be used to improve a babys mood, increase focus and encourage deep relaxation. Many parents use music to lull a baby to sleep at night, but soothing music can be used at any time of the day to reduce anxiety or tension and slow down the babys heart rate.