4 mins read

Mom Manners: Etiquette Tips for the Pool and Playground

As families everywhere say goodbye to school schedules, we are primed and ready for the lazy days of summer. But before packing up our bathing suits and sand-buckets, its important to lay down a few etiquette ground rules to guarantee enjoyment and safety for all. Nothing is more upsetting than a child (or parent) not playing by the rules or disrespecting someone elses property. We have enough stress to contend with during the school year, so everyone appreciates a little extra thoughtfulness during the summer.

2 mins read

Science Homework Projects

Science homework projects give students the chance to explore the world around them and learn about the basics of nature and technology. Through the completion of these hands-on projects, your kid will have the opportunity to expand his science knowledge while having some fun. Not only do these projects offer learners the opportunity to demonstrate their science knowledge, they also give them the opportunity to exercise their creative muscles.