3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Large Pores and Oily Skin

People with oily skin tend to have larger pores because of the extra production of sebum, or oil, that comes out of the pores. Another reason for having larger pores is due to dirt trapped inside the pores that turn into blackheads, whiteheads or acne. Sometimes the pores become larger due to improper removal of blackheads and whiteheads, which stretches the skin pores even bigger. There are some remedies to use in order to help get rid of large pores and oily skin. Some make use of natural methods, while others make use of chemical and mechanical methods.

4 mins read

Talking About Makeup And Skin Care With My Pre-Teen Niece

During the summer, I spent a week on the east coast for a visit with family.My niece Allison and I love to spend time together – you see, ever since she was five years old, she discovered that Auntie Karen was a makeup girl. A.K.A. girly girl! Every visit, Allison would ask me to apply makeup on her face (with the approval of her mother of course). We would play with a variety of colors and makeup brushes.

2 mins read

Best Facial Skin Care Products

Every woman should have the basics in her facial skin care arsenal. For most, flawless skin doesn?t just happen. Even those blessed with a perfect complexion have to take care of their skin to keep it that way. It takes the right products and care to have radiant skin. The best products can help improve your skin, while protecting it. Here are four essential skin care products for a flawless face: