3 mins read

Surgery Treatments for Stretch Marks

Most women will agree that one dreaded aspect of pregnancy or unplanned weight gain is the threat of stretch marks. Stretch marks can develop wherever skin has been stretched a great deal over a short period of time and most often occur on the stomach, thighs, breasts, hips and arms. Since stretch marks frequently appear as an eye-catching red or purple streak, those inflicted with them are usually desperate to hide or get rid of them for good. While there are not many effective ways of vanishing stretch marks, some women can experience good results with surgical treatments. These treatments include laser surgery, dermabrasion and an abdominoplasty.

2 mins read

How to Hide Varicose Veins

Summer is coming and you know what that means—time to unveil those legs that have been hibernating under winter clothes for months. Are your legs ready? You may have done everything to prepare your legs to face the world—you had them waxed, tanned and toned. Yet they’re still not ready. Just when you thought you had the sexiest legs on the block, out popped some varicose veins. As common as varicose veins are–the US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 50 to 55 percent of American women have them–they’re still regarded as unsightly and ultimately unsexy. Varicose veins are blue-tinged, raised veins that commonly occur on legs. These veins have faulty valves that slow down blood flow, making them appear twisted and swollen. Raised veins are mostly a cosmetic problem but they can cause pain. Women usually get them in their early twenties. Varicose veins are usually the result of pregnancy, weight gain, your body type, or standing on your feet for a prolonged period of time. Whatever the cause, it’s simple to hide those unsightly veins and achieve the legs you desire.