How to Do Abdominal Workouts After Pregnancy
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How to Do Abdominal Workouts After Pregnancy

Diastasis is a common effect of pregnancy, but one that many women don’t know about. As the uterus expands during pregnancy, it puts increasing pressure on the belly button area, which is a weak muscular point in the body. The continual pressure can cause the outermost abdominal muscle to separate, creating a bulge down the middle of the belly. This condition, known as diastasis, can be aggravated further by doing abdominal exercises incorrectly or using the wrong kind. Julie Tupler, RN, developed a set of exercises to help repair the muscles and get rid of the mommy tummy bulge.

Diastasis is a common effect of pregnancy, but one that many women don’t know about. As the uterus expands during pregnancy, it puts increasing pressure on the belly button area, which is a weak muscular point in the body. The continual pressure can cause the outermost abdominal muscle to separate, creating a bulge down the middle of the belly. This condition, known as diastasis, can be aggravated further by doing abdominal exercises incorrectly or using the wrong kind. Julie Tupler, RN, developed a set of exercises to help repair the muscles and get rid of the mommy tummy bulge.


Step 1

Sit down in a chair with your knees in a straight line from your hips (use a stool if necessary) or sit cross-legged on the floor with your back against a wall so your back does not shift as you do the exercises.

Step 2

Imagine your belly button is the end of a string attached to your spine. You want to shorten the string by drawing your belly button back toward your spine.

Step 3

Bring your belly button back toward your spine and hold.

Step 4

Do 100 squeezes in that "short string" position so that it feels like you are pushing your belly button out toward the back of your spine. Count each squeeze out loud to regulate your breathing. You don’t want to try to hold your breath while you are doing these exercises.

Step 5

Do five sets of 100 squeezes every day.

Step 6

Focus on holding your belly button in toward your spine throughout your daily activities.

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