Love and Relationship Advice & Tips
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Love and Relationship Advice & Tips

Relationships can be confusing and complicated. One day you may feel happy and secure in your partnership, the next you may consider ending things. Keep in mind that every relationship will have its ups and downs; some are not destined to last forever. Overall, the single most important part of any relationship is communication. If you can tell your partner anything, you are on your way to a happy relationship.

Make Time to Share

If you have been with your partner for awhile, it may often seem that you’re leading separate lives, only coming together to discuss concerns about your children or to say goodnight before falling fast asleep on opposite sides of the bed. No matter what stage you’re at in a relationship, it always helps to set aside special couple time to reconnect. If you don’t have children, this can be every night over dinner or early in the morning. If you do have children, plan on hiring a babysitter at least once a week so that you can spend time together, catching up on your concerns and cares.

Maintain Your Space

Just as it is important to make time for you as a couple, it is also important to make time for yourself alone. Take a class in something that interests you or make plans to spend time with your girlfriends. Keep in mind that your partner will also want time alone. Don’t bug him about spending time with his guy friends or constantly ask to tag along with him.

Don’t Snoop

You may feel curious about what your partner isn’t telling you. Resist the urge to dig through his underwear drawer or accidentally check his email when he isn’t looking. You may find out something important, such as the fact that he still emails all his ex-girlfriends or that he keeps a sachet of potpourri in his dresser, but you’ll have a lot of explaining to do when he finds out you know these things. Snooping also sends the wider message that you don’t trust your partner, which is usually a relationship killer.

Pick Your Battles

Unpleasant as they are, fights are a part of any relationship. According to the “Cosmopolitan Magazine” website, you need to fight with your partner occasionally to have a healthy, thriving relationship. If you are constantly letting issues slide, you shift the balance of power in your relationship to his side, and that can be a turn-off for some men. That said, it’s important to choose what is worth fighting over. If he constantly leaves the seat up or just won’t wash the dishes, you may have to accept it as a quirk that makes him who he is. If he is constantly trying to tell you what to think or feel, that may be a sign to end things.

Have Fun

Experience exciting new things with your partner to keep the spark alive. Sign up for a class together so that you can bond while learning something new. If you both like to travel, make it a point to go somewhere new any chance you get. When you get to a point where the relationship isn’t enjoyable or fun for either of you, it may be time to re-evaluate, seek counseling or go your separate ways.

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