To Breastfeed or Not to Breastfeed…
3 mins read

To Breastfeed or Not to Breastfeed…

Everybody keeps telling me I “need to breastfeed.” I understand the importance of it, but it’s really pissing me off. Am I telling you you what you need to feed your kids? No I’m not. Breastfeeding is a woman’s choice, and I get to decide whether it’s the right choice for my family…

A Public Outpouring

Frankly, I am beyond over the fact that people express their opinions openly and publicly. I recently told my pediatrician I’d likely supplement and he said: “Can I ask WHY?”. I always feel like my answer isn’t good enough for them, as they then follow up with: “Well, it’s definitely best for the baby, that’s for sure, so even if you can just do it for X amount of time, that would be great.

Can I Ask Why?

I don’t comment on what you are putting in your own mouth, even though it is ridiculously unhealthy. I mean, morbidly obese people eating at McDonalds — you don’t even want to know my opinion on that. Let’s please stop judging one another, shall we? What gives people the right to even ask “Can I ask why you aren’t breastfeeding, or going to be making your own baby food?” No, you cannot.

A Total Turn-Off

At our initial Pediatrician visit, they gave me a leaflet saying: “Our office is pro-breastfeeding!” To me, it was like going to an OB/GYN appointment and finding, displayed on their door, “We are Pro-Life!” This is the patient’s business, not the doctor’s. As we sat down, the doctor goes: “So I assume you will be breastfeeding,” and without waiting for a response, continued his speech about office procedures and vaccinations, etc. I wanted to say, “Excuse me! I assume you feed your children only organic food, and I assume you don’t eat any fast food, and I assume you encourage your kids to exercise, and …” Why are you assuming?

How Dare You Assume?

On a sidenote, I am an educated mom. I have read every book known to man about pregnancy, baby’s health, baby sleeping, you name it. I know the benefits of breastfeeding. But how do you know that I haven’t tried before and it didn’t work for me? How do you know what my family’s financial situation is and who will remain at home with our newborn?! How do you know I am even capable of breastfeeding? You don’t. That is my only point.

No matter what I decide to do (and in case you’re wondering, I WILL be trying to breastfeed — trying being the operative word). But, I am going to play it by ear, see how things go. That ok with you?

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