Why Julie Bowen Won’t Be Having More Kids
1 min read

Why Julie Bowen Won’t Be Having More Kids

With three sons, Oliver, 3, and twins John and Gus, 18 months, Modern Family's Julie Bowen is opting out of having more children.

“Oh God, no! No more children,” Julie, 41, tells People at the March of Dimes Fifth Annual Celebration of Babies.

To get the point across loud and clear, she added,“seriously, I gave my husband a vasectomy with a rusty fork — it’s done.”

Julie also shared how her life has changed since having the twins, “I’m late to everything whereas I used to be on time to everything,” she says. “But now I am late and unwashed. Thank God for perfume and hairspray.”

The children have also altered her workout regimen. “I lift children for the upper body, I run for the lower body, and for the middle I wear Spanx. That’s it — that’s my three-part system.”

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