2 mins read

Best Infant Development Toys

The right infant development toys can nurture your newborns motor skills, teach her to make facial expressions and sounds, and help her to see more clearly as her concentration improves. You dont have to invest in expensive toys to enhance your babys learning abilities; there are several simple toys that can help her learn important skills and acquire knowledge as she grows. Different toys can help babies reach important developmental milestones, such as learning to touch, taste, communicate and use all their senses. Here are some of the best infant development toys you can buy for your newborn.

3 mins read

It’s All in the Family: Brooke’s Proud Mom on her Business Savvy Daughter

Not only is ModernMoms co-CEO, Brooke Burke, a TV personality, mom and model, but she is an incredible entrepreneur. Brooke, a proud mommy of four, started her own company called Baboosh Baby. Baboosh Baby offers a product to help moms successfully lose stubborn post-pregnancy stomach fat. All moms know how difficult it can be to lose stomach weight after giving birth. A little extra padding may seem an inevitable consequence of having baby, (and a small price to pay for bringing a new child into the world) but Brooke wanted no part of that.

3 mins read

The Risk Factors in Infant Stimulation and Development

Infants thrive on and need stimulation to ensure proper development. By stimulating your infant’s senses, you’re encouraging communication, interaction and learning. You’re also giving him a sense of importance. However, there can be too much of a good thing—an excess of new sights and sounds can overstimulate a baby. Also, not all methods of infant stimulation are beneficial. Walk through any major baby department and you’ll see numerous gadgets and videos claiming to make your baby smart. Are these really necessary?

3 mins read

22 Weeks Pregnancy Development

Things are really starting to get exciting in Week 22 of your pregnancy. Hopefully you’ve moved beyond any initial morning sickness and your appetite has kicked into high gear. Have you woken up in the wee hours feeling completely starved? Making a baby is serious business, so don’t even think about dieting. Eat when you’re hungry, and try to make healthy food choices. But let’s be honest, pregnancy is the one time you can eat anything you like and not have to justify the jelly donut or daily ice-cream ritual.