2 mins read

Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

No matter how much we do to protect the environment around us, we all have a carbon footprint. Most closely associated with the increase in greenhouse gases and global warming, a carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide we create every day in our life. This carbon dioxide can be attributed to us both directly and indirectly: directly when you drive your car to work or cook your food, and indirectly when you take a plane on vacation or buy a product from a company. But there are ways to reduce the size of your carbon footprint on a daily basis.

3 mins read

What Happens When You Mix Lemon Juice With Baking Soda?

What happens when you mix lemon juice with baking soda? Baking soda is basic, and lemon juice is acidic. When you mix lemon juice with baking soda together, they not only balance each other out, but they also produce a potent mixture that has all kinds of household and personal care uses. Bake Tasty Treats…

8 mins read

Selfish Reasons To Have More Kids

Large families – think Kate Gosselins crew of eight, the Duggars 19-kid-family and Nadya Sulemans dozen+ – have been depicted by pop culture as old timey circus acts, something for which youd pay admission at a county fair in order to enter a shadowy tent and marvel at this oddity.

5 mins read

A New Addition: A Pet for My Child (or maybe for me)

We have a new addition to the family. Her name is Goldilocks. She is not blond nor does she have hair. In fact, she is not even a she–I know this because her plastic container was labeled male. But whatever. Its a fish. On the food chain its one step up from a potato bug. And thats only because its kind of pretty.

3 mins read

Why Go Green With Mass Transit?

Going green is the new black — everyone’s doing it, and everyone has their favorite way of giving back to Mother Nature. Every little bit of energy savings adds up — or rather, subtracts from your carbon footprint, but few things you can do will have as great an effect on the environment as using mass transit systems on a regular basis.