13 mins read

March Astrology

Dear everyone, here comes March and what do we have? The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, all swimming in the emotional waterworld of the ocean god. This is just how last month ended, with Mercury and Saturn retrograde, causing us to look backwards and review and re-investigate various details and make some changes.

11 mins read

Martin Luther King: “I Have a Dream”

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Today is the 25th anniversary of our nation’s commemoration of Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday. To celebrate, here is the text of Rev. King’s infamous, “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28th, 1963. I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

5 mins read

Faith, Fertility and Doogie Howser

I’m not sure if my husband and I ever could have imagined the lengths to which we would go in order to have a baby. But I am sure that it was shortly after our initial appointment with the fertility doctor that we knew our journey was going to be more complicated than we had originally planned. As I mentioned before (see Our Journey post), both my husband and I grew up devout Catholics. We had to rethink all we ever were told about morality and conception from our schooling, where things like IVF and embryo biopsies were not an option.

7 mins read

Our Journey

In high school, if you asked me what my future held, I probably would have said either doing intense volunteer work in a village in Africa for the rest of my life, or raising a huge family with the love of my life. I remember hearing about fertility treatments in high school. My initial thinking on the subject was, Oh no. I would never do something like that.