Search Results for: Continue reading
Ways to Engage Babies and Toddlers in Reading
The beginning years: The importance of the first 5 years Do you have a little one at home and have you thought about how you can challenge your baby and toddler on learning and staying engaged in reading? Babies’ brains continue to form after they are born. They are forming for physical development, and also…
Limiting Summer Slide by Strengthening Reading Habits at Home
Most school districts across the country have decided to continue distance learning through the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. Summer programs are opting to minimize enrollment or are canceled altogether. Where does that leave you and your kiddos this summer? In many cases, the answer is, at home (again). Parents have spent the last…
Rough Morning Reading the News
Todays headlines: Fourth victim accuses Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash of sexual abuse, West Palm Beach area man accused of molesting his disabled step daughter, Mom and boyfriend charged with child abuse, and Prominent Hasidic counselor was convicted yesterday of sexually abusing a young girl.
July Astrology Reading
Once we get past the first two days, which are still tangled up in the gridlock of Pluto and Uranus square to the Sun, with teeth bared in some cases, power struggles and other matters like year end fiscal book closings, will be smoothed and organized in a business like way, even if employing a lawyer is what is called for.
May Astrology Reading
Welcome to one of the better months of 2012. May is here with some happy moments, a few Jupiterian gifts, and a memorable full moon.