Search Results for: Credit cards
The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start
Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…
Rewards Credit Cards: Are They Right for You?
Rewards credit cards such as air mile cards are something I have tried twice. In theory they are great. You use your credit card for your regular weekly purchases that you would buy anyway, such as groceries and gas, pay it off in full at the end of the month and bring in the rewards.
Divorce & Credit Cards
If you are getting a divorce, pay special attention to your credit cards. You may be liable for any credit card debt, particularly if your credit cards are joint accounts. If you divorce and still have joint credit cards, you are asking for trouble, according to the Credit Info Center website.
Line of Credit: Is it the Right Choice for You?
It is that time again- Time to talk MONEY!
5 Ways to Repair Your Bad Credit
Bad credit can raise your insurance premiums, cost you jobs and even prevent you from owning or renting a nice home. Credit checks are now run for many types of transactions, and people with bad credit have fewer attractive financing and employment options than people with good credit. Your credit score is more important than ever.