2 mins read

DeVos Hurts Special Needs Families

Education Secretary Betsy Devos eliminated 72 policy documents that outline the rights of students with disabilities. The documents fleshed out students’ rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act. The regulations were not rescinded, only the policy documents put into place to guide how schools could use federal special education money.…

6 mins read

The Legal Docs You Need To Protect Your Family

This following post is written in partnership with Bloomwell. As parents we do everything we can to protect our children. But there is one super important thing that many of us put off doing, and that’s obtaining legal documents to protect our children if we are away from home (like when we use a babysitter…

1 min read

How Much is Too Much Homework Help?

Your young child comes home with a Big Assignment: Create a shadow box/tri-fold display board/some sundry Big Project. You follow the teachers directives and let your grade schooler do his or her best and submit the panda project that, indeed, looks like a little kid made it. Yet when you show up at the school Open House to take a gander at all the other students work, you notice that half of the projects werent made by 8-year-olds but were instead obviously crafted by thirty- and fortysomething parents. Hardly a fair competition.

2 mins read

How Often Can You Give Your Baby Tylenol?

Tylenol is a pain reliever that adults use for a variety of discomforts. Tylenol also comes in a liquid formula for young children and babies. While the recommended dosages may help relieve pain and fever, giving your baby too much Tylenol can pose certain health risks. As with all medications, always follow the label instructions or your doctor’s directives.