4 mins read

What If You Don’t Want Kids

When I was writing the washingtonpost.com On Balance parenting blog, childfree advocates used the comments section to educate readers about how vociferous the attack on adults who choose not to have children can be. Invasive personal and medical questions. Unsolicited advice. Rampant, condescending judgments. Is there something wrong with you? You’ll change your mind one…

6 mins read

My Son Thinks I’m a Liar

When my son was five, he had a minor obsession with Michael Jackson. Not the music, per se, but with the way Michael Jackson danced. Something about all of that moonwalking and crotch grabbing and head snapping just captured his attention, and for a solid three months, all he wanted to do was watch old Michael Jackson videos on YouTube.

2 mins read

New Tra-Dish: Sausage and Peppers Calzone Recipe

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! This one comes from Amy over at The Stitchin’ Mommy, who came up with a delicious twist on a traditional dinner dish.The result: sandwiches for dinner!Check out her post below:Im always looking for new dishes to make for my family and I love putting new spins on traditional recipes. So …

3 mins read

Family Friendly Games

If you’re looking for a family activity this Memorial Day that will stimulate conversation, foster a spirit of cooperation, and teach family members how to win and lose gracefully, play a game together. Family-friendly games can promote a sense of unity and togetherness in a family. When choosing games to play, look for ones that are designed to be played by groups of people, have simple rules and are appropriate for all ages and skill levels.