3 mins read

Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

When you have a fever, it generally indicates that your body is doing its job — fighting an infection. Often, doctors do not recommend a fever-reducing medicine until the fever reaches 102 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. When it’s time to administer a remedy, some doctors may opt for a homeopathic remedy that will work best for the type of fever that you have.

4 mins read

Over-the-Counter Medicine for Menopause

Hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, relaxation of the pelvic muscles and hair growth where you don’t want it and hair thinning where you do. If that litany doesn’t make you want to scream, it will surely have you running to your nearest pharmacy for some help. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are available for menopausal women. Just make sure you know what’s what.

2 mins read

Tips to Make Hair Grow Fast

While there’s no guaranteed formula to grow your hair faster, you can increase your chances of enjoying longer locks by following some basic guidelines, according to “Cosmopolitan Magazine” and the Breast Cancer website. Whether you lost some tresses due to medical conditions such as cancer or just want to grow your hair out, stay away from any products promising quick and guaranteed results.