Search Results for: Numerous health
Factors That Affect the Health & Physical Development of Children
Many dedicated parents spend a great deal of time worrying about their children’s development. These parents watch eagerly as their children approach developmental milestones, hoping that their kids hit them. If you are a worrier, it may help you rest a little easier to know which factors determine the rate at which your child develops and how healthy he will be as he moves through his childhood.
Gone too far? The crazy (and sometimes unhealthy) things celebrities do to lose weight and get in shape
Numerous celebrities will admit to the pressure of maintaining seemingly trim figures. After the world saw Oprah shrink, expand, shrink, expand, and then finally say, "I'm never dieting again," we had front row seats for what it must be like to feel constantly judged for your appearance. For various reasons, here are some of the…
Lying Down With Your Children: Healthy or Not?
There is a lot of short-sighted finger-pointing when it comes to raising healthy, well adjusted, independent kids. One debate over which parents treat other parents very badly is whether or not you should lie down with your child at bedtime. Blogger Wendy Wisner feels this time in a child’s life when he even wants you…
Your Road to Good Health: Spirulina and Other Green Foods
What comes in your mind when you think about green superfoods? Foodfor superheroes that is green? Something like Popeyes spinach,perhaps?Well, superfoods are a lot like that!
Healthy Diets for Babies
While it may seem easy to please the palate of a baby, it is important to remember that the food you feed this infant during his first year of life can have an effect on his development and, by connection, his future health. When selecting items to add to your infant’s diet, consider the potential health benefits of each. Ensure that you are making wise choices for your baby as he is not yet able to make them for himself.