Search Results for: Observe Further
“We Need To Talk About Your Son”
I have a No Eggshells policy with my closest friends. We dont tiptoe around issues or sweep things under the proverbial rug. When theres an issue, we address it. When theres conflict, we resolve.The older I get, the more I appreciate this kind of frankness, which from my experience, is one mark of an authentic friendship. I need someone with whom I can be myself – who can laugh with me til …
GoldieBlox: A New Approach To Engineering For Girls
A friend of mine emailed me a video about a female engineer, Debbie Sterling, who was raising money for her new company. Frustrated that the engineering industry was so male-dominated, she created a construction toy for little girls with the purpose of exposing them to the world of engineering.
Choosing the Right Birth Facility
As an expectant mother, you probably daydream about the moment you will actually meet your baby for the first time. What he or she will look like? How will it feel to hold that tiny miracle in your arms for the first time?
The Importance of Data Collection
Why collect data? What does data collection have to do with your child’s behavior(s)? In my last blog, I explained the term, S.E.A.T. SEAT is a tool to help us understand and root out the cause of a child’s unexpected and usually “bad” behavior. Was it a sensory issue, an escape issue, an attention issue, or a tangible issue that led up to a behavior?
Teenage Ovarian Cancer
Few parents ever entertain the notion that their teen will have to deal with cancer before reaching adulthood; however, in some cases they unfortunately do. Teenage girls can and do develop ovarian cancer each year. If caught early, cancer of this type is highly treatable, making it vital that you watch for signs of ovarian cancer and respond to any potential symptoms that you observe immediately.