4 mins read

Autism and Volunteering

Autism and Volunteering My son officially started high school this past summer. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about him in high school, but for now I’ll discuss his first ever high school class—the summer health class. What’s the summer health class? In our school district, it’s common practice for incoming freshman high school students…

3 mins read

Why Sexting is Not Child Porn

It’s horrifying to parents: why would our children WANT others to see naked pictures of them? Why do we have to even TALK to our children about the many reasons that voluntarily taking, sending, or sharing nude pictures is not in any child’s best interest? But despite our horror over this digital and cultural divide…

14 mins read

February Astrology

The early February planetary lineup in Aquarius, along with a Libra moon and Jupiter in Gemini, makes for a lot of air which inclines towards verbosity – but of course with many innovative and original ideas bandied about, so typical of Aquarius. This preponderance of refined air, the label attached to Aquarius, IS technologys true Homeland.