6 mins read

Life in the Trenches from a Special Needs Parenting Advocate

If we can all agree that parenting is difficult, frustrating, and overwhelming mixed in with the many joys of nurturing a young person; then special needs/autism caregiving is like parenting on steroids – everything is heightened. This means that the challenges as an autism mom and advocate often bring me to my knees, and the…

7 mins read

5 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Be Thankful This Thanksgiving

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. – CiceroGratitude – or a lack thereof – is something all parents encounter during the process of raising children. At some point or other, what mother hasn’t looked on with horror as her child blurted out a variant of, I dont like this! Its not what I wanted for my birthday! or worried that her kids took …

8 mins read

A Matter of Life: Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Motherhood can be a dream. Nothing compares to welcoming your own children into the world, to watching them take their first steps, to hearing their first words, to seeing them make friends, go to school, graduate, begin their careers, start families of their own... Motherhood can also be a nightmare. Nothing is more agonizing than…

5 mins read

Smartphones and Kids: Worth the Wait

I grew up in the technology boom, fascinated by all the latest and greatest things from accessible cell phones to Friendster (totally dating myself) – and have loved every second of it. My personal and professional lives have been forever changed by the evolution of technology, and I’m thrilled that my kids will have access…