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Top Treadmills for Runners
Treadmills aren’t just for casual joggers. There are treadmills that are specifically designed for serious runners. They are built to take a pounding, according to Consumer Reports, with a sturdy form and an extra-thick running deck. These machines are invaluable to runners who want to train but can’t get outside because of inclement weather or who simply want to be able to run indoors.
How to Study for the SAT Exam
The SAT standardized test, originally known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, provides percentile scores used by many college admissions committees in evaluating college applications. The test covers mainly reading, writing and Math reasoning skill sets. Today, several additional and separate SAT subject tests also enable young people to demonstrate advanced knowledge in specific fields, such…
What Every Parent Needs to Understand About Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain
“Which is worse for you, alcohol or pot?” With the increasing trend toward legalizing marijuana, this is a question that is foremost in the minds of a lot of teens right now, and it is critical that parents and educators understand a few important things before they try to respond. Most responses miss the real…
Three Things To Consider As Fathers in the Digital Age
It would be no exaggeration to say that the Internet has totally changed the way we communicate and connect with one another. This is true of friends, business associates and families. When used well, the Internet allows us to communicate and connect more meaningfully with those around us. However, if we are not careful, the…
Hair Care for Infants
Even if your baby has little more than peach fuzz covering his head, his hair requires a bit of personal care. Treat your little prince’s or little diva’s hair to the attention it requires. This will keep your infant looking her cutest, feeling her best and ready for all those close-up pictures that will be taken.