3 mins read

Will Puberty Last My Whole Life?

Kids ask questions. Yours have probably been asking lots of them ever since they learned the word, “Why?” And that’s all well and good as long as they’re asking how car engines work and why the sky is blue… but there comes a time when you have to sit down with your precious little angel and explain puberty, sex, and all those wonderful topics to them.

8 mins read

Bedtime Music: 10 Soothing Classical Pieces for Kids

The following is a guest post by Robert Greenberg, author of How to Listen to Great Music: A Guide to Its History, Culture, and Heart. Ah, bedtime. The kids’ teeth are brushed; their pj’s are on; the book has been read, and then read again. They have been kissed goodnight. At which point begins THE BIG STALL. “I’m hungry”; “I’m thirsty”; “I need to go to the bathroom”; “I need to call my broker”; etc.

3 mins read

Are Our Kids Being Taught Manners?

A few posts ago, entitled, Losing It, I wrote about my boyfriend’s son’s friend, Robert, who asked me for cash so he could get a snack when we were at the movies. I thought this was a case of one kid being rude. I was wrong. I’m starting to think that it might be an epidemic that’s infecting our children.