4 mins read

What Causes Autism?

Here’s the way I see it (plus some information on a recent study on genes). Let’s approach the question differently. What does NOT cause autism? I have long held the belief that the MMR vaccine did NOT cause my son’s autism. I believe there are over 200 studies that debunk the idea that the MMR…

4 mins read

6 Money Saving Tips for New Moms

Having your first child is exciting – and there’s a lot to look forward to. However, expectant moms know that it’s a time filled with lots of anxieties and unknowns. As far as parenting and caring for a newborn baby, you aren’t really quite sure what to expect the first time around. From a very practical…

3 mins read

BeauByte – The New Social Community For Beauty Lovers

The following post is in partnership with BeauByte. Are you obsessed with makeup and beauty products? Do you want to discover new products from people who actually wear them and genuinely love them (not because they are being paid to promote them)? Well then BeauByte is definitely the app for you! It’s a unique social…