Search Results for: Translation
Lost in Translation – What We Say and What Kids Hear
Communication…or should I say miscommunication. In my opinion, it is probably one of the most frustrating things. As adults, we all know those people who can never understand what you are saying, or they completely misunderstand what you were trying to communicate to them. They just stare at you as if you were speaking another…
What Causes Autism?
Here’s the way I see it (plus some information on a recent study on genes). Let’s approach the question differently. What does NOT cause autism? I have long held the belief that the MMR vaccine did NOT cause my son’s autism. I believe there are over 200 studies that debunk the idea that the MMR…
The Many Meanings of the Word “Fine”
Ive built my career – literally – with words; in fact, writing and communication are two of my biggest passions. And so, it is with confidence and from experience that I say (more often than not) the old adage of less is more rings true.
Things Moms of Boys Hear Again (and Again)
For a long time my husband and I didn’t think we would ever experience the joys of having a daughter. In fact, if it had not been for divine intervention and adoption, we wouldn’t have. Naturally, when we decided to try for #4 we were secretly...or, well maybe not so secretly, hoping for a girl.…
Why You Need to Talk to Your Kids About Relationship Abuse – Today
Here's what you need to know about kids and relationship violence: It's incredibly common. It can happen to your daughter (or son) no matter your religion, income, school environment, home life or neighborhood. Talking about it with your kids TODAY is the best way to prevent them from being abused tomorrow Here are the statistics:…