Search Results for: True life
Conscious Love: Embracing My True Self and Guiding Parents on Supporting Transgender Children
My journey to self-realization and identity affirmation has been a path illuminated by conscious love – first coming out as a lesbian at age 14, and then as transgender at age 49. These milestones in my life weren't just about revealing who I am but also about the profound understanding and acceptance I sought, particularly…
Boost Your Child’s Confidence To Be A Life Long Learner
If you are reading this, you are probably a lifelong learner, understand the advantages of that mindset, and hope to instill the same love of learning in your child. People who continue to learn outside school settings are generally happier and more successful than the norm. Learning is nothing more than acquiring new or enhancing…
In Life, Like Dinner, You Don’t Always Get What You Order
I have these moments when something happens and it hits me that this is something that I want to write about. The children joke with me and say that when I have those lightbulb moments, they know that they are in for a life lesson speech.
When You Have A Better Chance Of Being Struck By Lightning Than Finding True Love
I once read a statistic that a woman in her mid-forties has a better chance of being hit on the head by falling space debris, bitten by a King Cobra or being struck by lightning than she does of ever finding true love again. Let’s just say that reading that statistic has stuck with me…
Life Lessons for Kids Learned From the Presidential Race
I was raised, and am raising my three kids, in Washington, DC. I visited the Carter White House routinely as a kid. My children all groan when traffic is stopped for the Vice President’s motorcade. The whole family is on a first name basis with Malia Obama’s Secret Service detail. You’d think my kids and…