15 mins read

5 Dream Destinations for Your Second Honeymoon

Ill be completely honestmy honeymoon, nearly 20 years ago, wasnt all that great. I was sick in bed with the flu the whole first week on Kauai. The second week, my husband and I decided to try our hand at windsurfing on Maui. While I was feeling better, it was grueling. We ended each day bandaging our blistered hands (a side effect of gripping the boom when youre a beginner windsurfer …

7 mins read

Author Aslihan Sabanci Shares Gluten-Free Cooking Tips

Aslihan Sabanci is not only a mom to three kids and former Miss Turkey, but an author and entrepenuer who has written an excellent cookbook and gluten-free guide great for families trying to stick to this special diet. Her book is called Gluten-free Mediterranean Gourmet Cuisine: Invaluable Recommendations for a Healthy Immune System.

2 mins read

Vitamins & Supplements- Which Should You Take?

In a perfect world we would get all the vitamins and nutrients we need by eating a healthy diet. After all, its natures tender way of taking care of us. But although I try my best to live a healthy lifestyle, it is far from perfect. Especially the weeks that our cupboards are filled with on-sale twizzlers!

3 mins read

Preparing For Summer Camp

Summer is almost here! The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has created recommendations to best prepare and protect young people for participation in day camp or sleep-away camps. The AAP established these guidelines to support nearly 11 million kiddos who attend camp each summer.