Search Results for: abnormal
Abnormal Pap During Pregnancy
As a woman of child-bearing age, you have likely had your fair share of Pap smears. While most Pap smear tests come back normal, on occasion, women who received abnormal pap smear results require additional medical testing and perhaps even treatment. If you receive an abnormal pap smear result while pregnant, don’t panic. While your result could be the sign of something serious, it could also be no cause for concern at all. Abnormal Pap smear results during pregnancy are not unheard of, and many of the tests and treatments associated with these results can be administered to moms-to-be.
Abnormal Teen Behavior
Your teenager might be driving you crazy with the mood swings, erratic and general off-the-wall behavior. It’s the nature of game with all the hormonal changes teens undergo. But how do you know when this crazy behavior has crossed the line from normal teenage angst to abnormal teen behavior? It’s not always so easy, but there are ways you can tell.
About Abnormal Pap Smears
A pap smear is that uncomfortable test women take each year to check for cervical cancer. A doctor takes a sample of cells from the cervix, which is part of the uterus, and swabs them onto a slide for examination under a microscope. Occasionally, the cells are abnormal and further diagnostic tests are necessary.
Fetal Growth Abnormality
Fetal growth abnormality is an umbrella term that refers to any abnormality in how a baby grows inside the womb. According to the Nemours Foundation, newborns typically weigh between 6 lbs., 2 oz. and 9 lbs., 2 oz. and can range from 19 to 21 inches in length. Newborns that are significantly larger or smaller than normal are considered to have a fetal growth abnormality. While many pregnancies with fetal growth abnormalities will be born at term–37 weeks after conception–other will be born before the 37 weeks mark and thus be premature.
Typical Treatments for Abnormal Pap Smears
Having an annual pap smear is awkward but necessary for most women. A pap smear is a test used to detect abnormal cells on the cervix that can ultimately lead to cancer. Fortunately, cervical cancer is easily treated when it is discovered early. Most of the time, pap smears show no abnormal cells. But when a pap smear does indicate abnormal cells, it doesn’t mean you have cervical cancer. It simply indicates to your doctor that she should take a second look to determine what’s causing the abnormal cells.