Search Results for: accidentally
I Accidentally Called My 9-Year-Old Son an A-Hole
A persistent rain was falling as my sons and I departed from their swim practice. It was after 9:00 p.m. I was exhausted, it was a long day of work and I was spent after an hour and half in a pool coaching sixteen swimmers, ranging in age from six to eight. As we made our way to the car, we were surrounded by puddles, evidence that it must have poured while we …
When Girl-Power Marketing Accidentally Does the Opposite
A few weeks ago, start-up toy company GoldieBlox posted this video and the interwebz exploded, as they say.And at first, all caught up in the cuteness of the three little actresses and the cleverness of the way the brand altered the lyrics to Beastie Boys song Girls to accompany this spot (apparently without the Boys permission, but thats not the point), I got excited watching it.And then like a mosquito bite on …
Am I Accidentally Raising Spoiled Kids?
When I was a young child, around my oldest daughters age, we didnt have much. Moving into a small rental house with my newly separated mother we made do with just the essentials – if that.
Post-Pregnancy Headaches
After you’ve delivered your baby, you may think that the rough part is over and that your body will return to normal over the next few months. In most cases, this will be true. But the fluctuation of hormones after you give birth can trigger headaches. You may also experience a headache if you chose to receive an epidural during delivery.
How to Treat a Cooking Burn
You’re preparing dinner for the family when you accidentally grab a hot pot without a potholder, or boiling water splashes onto your hand while you’re draining the pot of pasta. A cooking burn will most likely be either a firs-t or second-degree burn where only the first or second layers of skin are injured. You can treat small burns like these at home, but see a doctor if the burn is over 2 inches in size or is on your face.