5 mins read

Tips For Road Trips With Kids

Summer is upon us and vacations are being planned as we speak! The meaning of a summer vacation is quite different now that I have kids. When I was younger, I would envision my summer vacations to look something like an MTV music video. Now the resemblance is more like a National Lampoon's Vacation movie.…

6 mins read

Tips For A Fun Day At The Zoo

Going to the zoo with my family to kick off summer break has been a tradition for us since our oldest child was a baby. We always have so much fun watching as the kids take in all the animals and their, at times, very comical quirks. I myself love to observe the mama animals…

6 mins read

Tuning Into Your Mom Intuition

Women do have a sixth sense and it becomes extremely acute after a woman gives birth. From my twenty years of practice I have observed that most woman do not trust their intuition and spend too much time pushing it away rather than listening to it.

7 mins read

Autism Evaluations: Part 1

This topic is near and dear to my heart. I have much to say which will take place in two blogs. Ill begin with a rant: Do not let a regional center (if you live in the state of California) turn you away if you have a concern about your child and autism. Do not let them screen your child over the phone! And, do not let your pediatrician blow off your concerns.