Search Results for: accurate reading
Is a Home Blood Pressure Machine Accurate?
If your typical day goes kind of like this–you have a toddler having a 2 o’clock meltdown just as your other child is getting off the school bus, and you know that you have to give your oldest his first driving lesson later today, well, you may be tempted to check your blood pressure now and again. Even if that is not your exact scenario, there are plenty of reasons for working moms as well as stay-at-homes to want to check their blood pressure. You can take a deep breath and relax knowing that you can get an accurate reading from home blood pressure machines.
How to Treat a Toddler With a Fever
A fever in your toddler is a sign that he has an infection and that his body is trying to fight it. It’s normal and, in most cases, there is no cause for concern. You can treat the fever at home, but you should contact your doctor if the fever is high or if your child seems abnormally sick. The most important thing that you’ll need to treat your toddler’s fever is patience, as a sick child can require a great deal of your attention.
The ABC’s of Bras: How to Choose the Right Support
Are you wearing a bra? Guess what – it probably doesn’t fit! For years, industry experts have claimed that somewhere around 85% of women are either not getting enough support from their undergarments as a result of wearing bras several sizes to big or hurting their breasts by smushing them into containers that are too small. Although we weren’t able to find any hard research to back up this stat, it’s a pretty widely held perception that women are commonly mistaken about their bra size.
Normal Blood Pressure Levels for Kids
Even very young children can have high blood pressure. Medical problems such as heart or kidney disease are often the cause of high blood pressure in children younger than 10 years, explains Blood pressure normally rises somewhat throughout childhood, but if your child has one or more risk factors for high blood pressure, his pediatrician may recommend more frequent blood pressure checks.
How to Read Baby Thermometers
Most thermometers on the market today designed for babies are digital, and for good reason. The mercury contained in standard thermometers creates a health hazard. The American Academy of Pediatrics states, “we advise parents to remove any mercury thermometers from the home to prevent accidental exposure to mercury, which is a toxin,” in the book “Caring for Your Baby and Young Child.” Using digital baby thermometers makes taking your baby’s temperature not only safer, but easier to read as well.