3 mins read

About First Response Pregnancy Tests

First Response offers a line of pregnancy tests and fertility detection tests produced by Church & Dwight. If you think you may be pregnant, the First Response suite of products offers an accurate way to test for pregnancy. Whether you’re looking for early detection or something that confirms your suspicions, decide which of their products is the right one for you.

3 mins read

Most Accurate Early Pregnancy Tests

When you’re trying to conceive, you want to know if you’re pregnant as soon as possible. Getting through the two-week wait is difficult, and any pregnancy tests that can tell you early results are a welcome solution. Pregnancy tests come in varying sensitivity levels, meaning that some will work earlier than others. Consider all of your options before you make a purchase.

5 mins read

How Accurate Are Home Pregnancy Tests?

Available over-the-counter at drugstores, home pregnancy tests are cheap, easy, quick tests that tell you whether or not you are pregnant by detecting the presence of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in your urine. You should always check with your doctor if you get a positive result on a home pregnancy test. Your doctor can confirm whether or not you are pregnant with a blood test and/or a pelvic exam, and start you on a course of prenatal care to assure a healthy pregnancy. Even a negative result on a home pregnancy test is a heads-up to call your doctor to look for possible medical reasons for your missed period(s).

10 mins read

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s Name Change: What Parents Need to Know

This week, social media is buzzing with the news that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, has filed a request to legally drop "Pitt" from her hyphenated surname on her 18th birthday this month. Shiloh’s decision has ignited a plethora of reactions online, from fiesty discussions about “Brangelina” family dynamics, celebrity relationships…

5 mins read

Navigating Common Breastfeeding Concerns During the Uncertainty of a Pandemic

Breastfeeding can be complicated and difficult enough during “normal” times. However, new mothers’ concerns become magnified during a pandemic when in-person resources, like local breastfeeding classes, are not as available. As a certified lactation consultant, I’m here to help by sharing answers to the most common breastfeeding questions and concerns I receive from clients and…