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Auld Acquaintance
An innocent little buzzing noise came from the center console. We had been on the road home from Christmas with my in-laws for a whole four hours, and my mother-in-law was sending me a text. She does that- she likes checking in. One look at the message and my heart dropped to my feet. "Lice,"…
Rethink Your Concept of Conditional Love
Rethink Your Concept of Conditional Love
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas + What She REALLY Doesn’t Want
Mothers truly embody dedication, working tirelessly around the clock without breaks, sick days, or pay. According to Investopedia, stay-at-home moms might log an average of 98 hours per week, equivalent to an annual salary of $178,000 if they were compensated for their extensive roles. And let's be fair, most of us, I think, would be…
11 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms Who Want To Go Back To Work
Stay-at-home moms: Dont fall for the media chatter that opting out of work to raise kids will sound the death knell for your career. It IS possible to get back in. You just need some advice and inspiration.Remember, as a full-time mom, you opted in to the most important job in the world – raising the next generation of capable and responsible adults. There’s no need to regret your decision; it was the …
Surrogate Pregnancy
A surrogate pregnancy is an option for couples with fertility problems or who cannot carry a baby to term. A woman carries and delivers the baby for the couple. Surrogacy comes with many pros and cons for both the couple and the surrogate mother. Learning all the aspects of surrogacy helps a couple decide if it is the best option.