Search Results for: additional linked
What an Autism Parent Notices
What an Autism Parent Notices This happens to me all the time. (I’ll assume this also happens to lots of AutParents.) I’m in a breakfast room at a hotel. I get up to get a spoon and I notice this seven or eight-year-old boy organizing the salt and pepper packets in the container. He’s…
Autism-Only School Environments
Autism-Only School Environments Yet another article has inspired me to blog about a new topic. Is an autism-only schooling environment better or worse for a child on the autism spectrum? What a great discussion topic. My son was in a typical high school general education environment (a large school). He had two accommodations (down from…
To Disclose Autism or Not?
To Disclose Autism or Not? What do strangers deserve to know? When was the first time we disclosed our son’s autism? Honestly, only one or two people knew about my son’s autism for the first, well, two years. Yep, that’s right. We kept it to ourselves. And, then we disclosed only to family. Then,…
Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism
Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism What comes after high school for many young adults? College! Is my child going to college? Yes. Our child decided, with our input, to attend our local community college for the two-year degree, and then go to a four-year school. Why did he make this decision? First,…
Autism and Reporting on 2020 Back to School
Autism and Reporting on 2020 Back to School I'm reposting this... With some updates. Because it's important! My child with autism is a senior in high school!! In the past, this meant fun senior activities, graduation photographs, a prom, and the usual graduation ceremony. All of those things for the seniors of 2020 didn’t…