4 mins read

Ab Exercises After Pregnancy

Women who have gone through a pregnancy often have the same or similar experiences. After giving birth they are not only heavier but their bodies are not of the same shape and size as they were before they were pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth can be traumatic. A woman’s abdominal muscles will be both stretched and weakened after giving birth, and her body will not automatically restore itself to its original condition. However, a woman can tighten these muscles and slim down the abdominal area with proper exercise.*

3 mins read

How Do I Find a Family Doctor?

A family doctor is usually the first professional you consult when you need medical care. Family physicians and general practitioners are skilled at diagnosing a range of illnesses and can treat many of a patient’s medical conditions without the need for a specialist’s help. Your family doctor can be a valuable source of information when you have health-related questions. In fact, “family physicians provide the majority of care to the nation’s rural populations,” says Lori Heim, President of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

4 mins read

Healthy Body Weight for Kids

Kids make up a significant portion of the rising obesity rates in the United States. Being overweight as a kid increases the odds that you’ll be overweight later in life, and that you’ll develop obesity-related medical conditions. As a parent, you may be better off looking at your child’s health and the quality of his diet than the numbers on the scale as you work toward getting him to his healthy weight.