Search Results for: advanced flick
Why Boys Need Boyfriends
A college boyfriend once asked me the following question: What does every person on earth need to survive? He liked to quiz me like this every so often. His tone made it clear that there was only one correct answer. Love, I said instantly, 100% confident my answer was right.
Notes From The Bible Belt: High School Homophobia?
I picked up my son and his friend from the bus stop. It was only my second time in the carpool rotation and I was still feeling my way around the social life of teenage boys. I suspected their lack of interaction might indicate a rift, but I knew enough to keep quiet until I dropped Mark at his door.
Beginner Meditation Techniques
You need not be a guru to appreciate the benefits of meditation. In addition to providing mental clarity, meditation can also relieve stress, encourage deep breathing, promote blood circulation, encourage healing and boost the flow of energy throughout your body. Beginning a meditation regime may seem daunting, but not everyone spends an hour in rapt silence daily. Try these simple techniques that are perfect for beginners to meditation and require little financial or time commitment.