Search Results for: affect speech
How Will The New SAT Affect Your Kids?
The College Board announced this week that it is going to make sweeping changes to the SAT beginning in 2016.Criticized both for giving an advantage to wealthy kids who can afford expensive test prep courses and also for creating extreme anxiety for students due to the unpredictability of what will be tested, the SAT has long been in need of a makeover.According to The College Board, the test will remain predictive of how …
Autism and Dyspraxia
Autism and Dyspraxia What is dyspraxia? (I am no expert. This is info that I read recently and want to share what I think I learned.) Dyspraxia is also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or developmental dyspraxia. It is a chronic neurological disorder that typically begins in childhood. It can affect planning of movements…
A Campaign Promise We As Parents Can All Keep
The post-election news, social media, and our own minds are filled with shock, joy, outrage, anxiety and despair following the November 8th voting tally. Call volume to crisis hotlines Tuesday night was more than twice as high as past elections. But I’ve never known an election that had such a dramatic affect on kids. Everywhere…
Hooking Kids on Presidential Politics
I live in Washington, DC, where sightings and even conversations with politicians such as Hillary Clinton and President Obama are common. Maybe as a result, my three teenagers keep an eye on presidential campaigning. Even six months before the first caucus. My 16-year-old daughter has been excited, literally for years, that she will turn 18…
The Truth About Special Needs Aides
What should you expect from your special needs aide or therapist or facilitator? First, and this may sound a bit simple, but they are people. They have lives. You must always try to remember that the adults who work with your kids have their own lives and their own problems. How much does this matter?