Search Results for: alcoholic products
Don’t Let Holiday Stress and Travel Throw Your Digestive Tract Out of Whack
No one wants to talk about it, but we all want to know how to relieve the uncomfortable constipation that often accompanies holiday travel and stress. Not only does constipation make you feel less than content, but it causes unsightly belly swells and bulges! The truth is, for many it isnt only an issue during the holiday season. In fact, its much more frequent than that, and its worse for us Moms …
What NOT to Do When Trying to Get Pregnant
Deciding to get pregnant can be a time of excitement and stress, especially if conception doesn’t occur as quickly. Many couples spend months trying to get pregnant, while others may seem to conceive with little effort. Although you may know what you need to do to get pregnant, knowing what not to do can be just as important. Improve your odds of conceiving a baby by reviewing your current activities and eliminating those that may restrict your ability to get pregnant.
First-Time Pregnancy Tips
If you are pregnant for the first time, you may wonder what to expect and how to deal with your changing body as well as any discomforts and concerns you experience. As with many new experiences, pregnancy may seem overwhelming at first. Knowing how to keep yourself healthy and comfortable while you are growing a new life can help you enjoy your pregnancy and give your baby a great start in life.
10 Celebrity Dieting Tips
Celebrities are notorious for trying the latest diets and nutrition fads. They are also quick to publicize their get-thin-quick schemes, which many people are eager to copy. After all, if you want to rock the red carpet like Halle Berry or light up the catwalk like Jaslene Gonzales, what better way than to emulate their eating and fitness habits? Just remember singer Wynonna Judd’s advice to celebrate and appreciate your body no matter what its size.
Ten Celebrity Dieting Tips
Celebrities are notorious for trying the latest diets and nutrition fads. They are also quick to publicize their get-thin-quick schemes, which many people are eager to copy. After all, if you want to rock the red carpet like Halle Berry or light up the catwalk like Jaslene …