3 mins read

What Is the Meaning of Artificial Birth Control?

Choosing a contraceptive method is a very personal and sometimes confusing choice. There are many factors to consider, including your health, your desire for children in the future, your moral and spiritual beliefs, and even convenience. In spite of the factors involved and the many birth control options available to you, most methods can be categorized into one of two categories: artificial birth control or natural family planning. Here’s everything you need to know about artificial birth control.

2 mins read

Stretch Mark Removal Remedies

Stretch marks, also called striae in medical circles, can cause a woman to feel badly about her physical appearance, according to both the Mayo Clinic and MedlinePlus. While sometimes stretch marks cant be prevented, women can reduce their risks of getting these by limiting their use of corticosteroid medications and staying at an average weight. Unfortunately, despite some womens best efforts, stretch marks still appear; young women who become pregnant or women with a family history of striae are far more likely to suffer from stretch marks. Women with diseases of the adrenal glands or Cushings syndrome are also more susceptible to developing unwanted striae.