4 mins read

How Selfless Are You, Really?

Do you truly think youre selfless? I bet most of us think we are, but in reality we might not be. A true act of selflessness is when you perform an act of kindness without any regard for yourself or your own interest.Meaning that after you paid for coffee for that dude in Starbucks, you dont blast it on Facebook. Its acting in total anonymity.Its not letting the world …

8 mins read

Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing

Meredith O’Brien, a longtime ModernMom contributor, explores the idea of blogging – and where to draw the line between sharing personal anecdotes and overharing in her new novel. Below is an adapted excerpt from Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing by Meredith OBrien (used with permission from Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc. 2013):

1 min read

People Are More Likely to Lie Via Text Message

The last time you faked sick to get out of an event, did you send a text or make a phone call? It turns out that people are more likely to lie via text message, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia. Researchers from the UBC’s Sauder School of Business asked 170 students to perform mock stock transactions in one of four ways: face-to-face, by video, by audio or by text chatting. Half the participants were told to pretend they were stockbrokers and would be given a financial reward if they sold as much bad stock as possible to the “buyers.”