3 mins read

Anxiety Attacks During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in your life, but it can be a frightening and nerve-wracking experience for some women. For some women, it can even cause anxiety attacks. If you’re one of them, don’t worry — pregnancy anxiety is totally normal, and doesn’t mean you’re going to be a terrible mother or that you don’t want your baby. It does mean that you need to discover what’s causing your anxiety and learn how to deal with it.

4 mins read

No More Math Panic Attacks! 4 Steps To Easing Math Anxiety

While the thought of a big math test can make even the most confident student stressed out, for some kids, the feelings associated with math go far beyond garden-variety stress. For these students, a feeling of intense anxiety develops – to the point that they are no longer able to think clearly. But how can parents tell whether their child’semotions are a real problem or just an excuse to avoid an uncomfortable academic subject?

3 mins read

Panic Attacks in Children

While the life of a child may seem carefree, some children’s sunny facades may mask a struggle with panic attacks. In panic, or anxiety attack episodes, children experience a physical response to their emotional stress, often resulting in symptoms that can mimic those of a heart attack. Witnessing these symptoms is very stressful for parents and leaves them eager to find a solution to their child’s anxiety.

3 mins read

Child Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety disorders in children are quite common, according to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. While periods of anxiety are normal for everyone, one out of every eight children suffer from feelings of anxiety strong enough to be classified as a disorder. These anxiety symptoms interfere with the child’s ability to function normally. For this reason, parents who suspect that their child might have an anxiety disorder should seek treatment as soon as possible.

3 mins read

My Teenage Son Is Complaining of Anxiety

A little bit of anxiety is normal. Everyone worries and is fearful from time to time. It is when this anxiety becomes exaggerated or starts taking over your life that it has become a problem. When a teenage boy suffers from an anxiety disorder, he may not be performing well in school, he may not be able to participate in sports anymore or be able to make or keep his friends, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.