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List of Fertility Pills Available Without a Prescription
If you are trying to conceive, fertility pills may help. Your doctor may write you a prescription for fertility during your check-up. You might not, however, be able to afford to see a doctor regularly or afford the prescription pills. You might not want the harmful side-effects of strong chemicals that are present in prescription pills. You can always opt for over-the-counter fertility drugs to boost your chances of conceiving. Consult with your physician about over-the-counter fertility pills.
Is Alli Available Over the Counter?
Alli is an over-the-counter form of the diet drug Xenical or Orlistat. FDA approved for weight loss, Alli can be purchased online or at your local pharmacy without a prescription. If you’re dieting and would like some help on your journey, you may want to learn more about Alli. Consider the pros and cons of this popular and safe diet drug.
When Did the Birth Control Pill Become Available?
The birth control pill has played a key role in the sexual revolution, women’s liberation and women’s access to the work force. Prior to the introduction of oral contraceptives, women had limited and minimally effective birth control options. The pill freed both married and unmarried women from worry over unplanned pregnancy, from its introduction in the 1950s through today.
Types of Birth Control Pills Available
When birth control pills (or the Pill) were first made available to women in 1960, it was a liberating breakthrough. For the first time, women had a way to directly control reproduction. What they couldn’t control were the significant side effects associated with birth control pills, which until the 1980s were produced as a one-dose, one-hormone-fits all medication. Today however there are a number of different types of birth control pills available, with different hormones in differing levels, giving women a number of options to minimize side effects and maximize reproductive control.
Types of Family Planning
Family planning, also known as contraception or birth control, is a way to control unwanted pregnancies. Many methods of family planning are available, so each couple should be able to find one that is right for them. Talk to your health-care provider to determine the best type of birth control for you. When picking out the best method of contraception, a doctor factors in your health and whether you have and want children.