5 mins read

10 Rules To Empower and Protect Young Children From Potential Abuse

Whos afraid of the big, bad wolf? How about the boogeyman? Okay, good — so weve got those two covered! But how about the ice cream man, or the next door neighbor, or the after-school sports coach? Now, before you get mad at me for picking on those three, let me just say I have nothing against any of these community members! In fact, my daughter and I buy Fudgsicles from our local ice cream man at the park all the time, and I have a very cool next door neighbor.

2 mins read

How to Tell If My Child Is Autistic

If you are wondering if your child has autism, there are some steps you can take to find out. For children with autism, the earlier it is recognized and treated, the better. If you are worried your child may be affected by autism, delaying in having your child evaluated could prevent her from gaining access to the resources she needs. Children who get the proper assistance from the earliest age can gain skills to lead a successful life.