Search Results for: attention
Women Need To Pay Attention to these 5 Signs of Breast Cancer
As women, and certainly as mothers, it is vital to understand early detection signs of breast cancer. Many women only feel concern if they find a lump in their chest but there are five other signs you should be aware of. Women with a significant number of moles on their skin are 13% more at risk than…
What to Do When Kids Fight for Attention
My husband and I learned soon into the process of parenting two children (which soon multiplied into four children) that each needed, wanted and deserved his or her own special time. In the multi-tasking mayhem of a typical family day, it is simply impossible to dedicate quantity based special time to each of our children each day.
Attention Pregnant Ladies: You Are Not Fat, You Are Pregnant!
Dear Pregnant Women, Lately I have been hearing some of you outright trash your bodies during this miraculous state of being and it has infuriated me on many different levels.At five, four, or even as soon as three months pregnant, some of you describe yourselves as large, fat, obese or humongous, and one of you even referred to yourself as the size of a Mac truck.
Attention Moms: Good Morning and Get Moving!
The mornings are dark, cold and quiet. Oh, what a treat as the house lays still and silent, without a even a peep from our little one’s lips. If you are like me, the unpleasant visual of jumping out of bed while the kids are cozy under their covers, can be less than invigorating.