Search Results for: bacteria
Kotex Recalls Tampons Over Bacterial Contamination
Kimberly-Clark has issued a recall on about 1,400 cases of Kotex tampons based on concerns that they could be contaminated with a bacteria that can cause dangerous infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis in Women
It may not be something you want to discuss in public, but vaginal infections are pretty common in women of all ages. Of all those infections, bacterial vaginosis is the most common in women of childbearing age, according to the Centers of Disease Control. It’s also common in pregnant women, at least in the United States. Bacterial vaginosis has symptoms similar to other infections, such as STDs or yeast infections.
Bacterial Meningitis Symptoms
The meninges cover the brain and spinal cord. When they become infected with a bacteria, a person develops bacterial meningitis. Bacteria that commonly causes meningitis includes streptococcus pneumoniae, which usually leads to ear infections or pneumonia, or neisseria meningitidis, according to The symptoms of the disease are often similar to those of the flu. Since it is a fast moving, potentially deadly disease, if your child exhibits any symptoms, you should take him to the doctor right away.
Antibacterial Au Naturelle
Antibacterial products, such as soaps and hand sanitizers, have become part of a daily practice for many, especially during the winter months when indoor air is recycled and germs are most at large. However, there are a few concerns when it comes to chemical sanitizers that are worth considering, as well as some effective natural alternatives that will keep your family and the ecosystem clean and green.
10 Tips to Prevent Cavities in Kids: A Parent’s Guide
Cavities in kids nowadays are prevalent and seen in more than half of the kids. To a dentist's surprise, the parents think it is okay, as the milk teeth will fall off anyway. But that is not the case. Getting a cavity filled in a kid's milk tooth is as important as getting a cavity…