4 mins read

How to Photograph Nature Beautifully

The great outdoors are beautiful, but sometimes capturing the scene can be difficult. We all want to share the highlights of our trip with family and friends when we return home- but not if our pics are dark and out of focus. As a nature and photography lover, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing the most beautiful sight and not being able to capture as it appears in real life. Here are some tips to help you photograph the ocean, dessert or mountains on your next family vaca. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative!

11 mins read

A Mother’s Day Tribute

Sunday is Mothers Day. This Mothers Day 2010, I am a Blogger for the first time, which means I can profess my love for my mom TO THE WORLD! Mama I love you. You have been my best friend for the past 35 years. In fact, I will show you now for the first time, in honor of Mothers Day, my tribute to you and dad in my upcoming book:

3 mins read

How to Spot a Player When Dating

If you’re looking for a long-term, meaningful relationship, don’t date a player. Players offer short-lived thrills with no substance. They come on strong, get what they want and leave with little notice. Players view dating as some kind of sport, where the goal is to woo as many people as possible. Most players share some of the same characteristics and can be weeded out of your dating pool if you pay attention to a few telltale red flags.