3 mins read

Celebrity Hairstyle Tips

Often photographed in public by the paparazzi, celebrities face criticisms whenever they do not look their best. Fortunately, their money can afford the best hairstylists so that they can avoid ending up in the “worst” list. You do not have to be an A-list celebrity to have a knock-out hairstyle. Some of the good things that celebrities do with their hair, you can do with your own hair, too.

2 mins read

Hair & Face Beauty Tips

Taking good care of your face and hair not only helps you feel and look better, but it also encourages your kids to adopt good health habits early in life. Whether you have a skin or hair problem or hope to avoid such beauty blunders, magazines like “Marie Claire Magazine” and “Cosmopolitan Magazine” and health professionals with the Mayo Clinic offer plenty of tips that you can start using right away.

7 mins read

Avoiding the Top 10 Mommy Faux Pas

As a mom of three and etiquette consultant, I have become a therapist of sorts. I find myself being discreetly led away by the arm, into a quiet nook at our elementary school and lending a sympathetic ear to another mom as they relay their blunders, their childs indiscretions or mommy faux pas.