5 mins read

The Worst Gifts You’ve Ever Received

They say it’s really the thought that counts, and that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth… but what if that horse has really bad teeth? We’ve all been there – smiling through gritted teeth as we profess great thanks for a truly terrible present. Madonna famously had a meltdown when she was given hydrangeas (everyone knows she prefers roses!). The Trojans got a giant wooden horse that led to the destruction of their city. That was definitely a bummer.

4 mins read

What’s Scarier Than The Sex Talk? Talking About Food & Weight!

Would you rather talk to your teen daughter about her sex life or her weight? If you chose the former, you’re not alone: anew study released this month by WebMD showed that nearly 22% of parents are uncomfortable discussing the dangers of being overweight with their kids, compared to only 12% of parents who feel uncomfortable discussing sex with their teenager.

6 mins read

Autism and Public Restrooms

At what age is it appropriate for a child to use a public bathroom by themselves? This question is steered toward a child with special needs. I only have one child and that child has autism. I've never raised a typical child, so I'll stick with what I know. I'm also directing this question toward…