Search Results for: brain simply
Brain Food for Toddlers
While the food you feed you toddler is primarily intended to give him the get-up-and-go he requires to carry out his daily activities, the meals you select may also play a large part in his development. During this stage of growth, your child’s brain is maturing at a rapid rate. Because so much brain construction is underway, it is vital that you feed him a diet conducive to brain development. When picking his meals, consider the components required for proper brain development.
Food for Baby Brain Development in the Womb
As you feed your growing appetite throughout your pregnancy, take a moment to consider the impact that the food you eat may have on your growing fetus. While many mothers-to-be know which foods to avoid, few consider all the potential health benefits that could arise from carefully choosing what to eat. By selecting foods with proven baby brain development benefits, you could set your child up for success simply by chowing down on the the right types of food during your pregnancy.
6 Superfoods that Boost Your Kid’s Brain
The brain is a very hungry organ. It is the first of the bodys organs to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. Give the body junk food and the brain suffers. Certain brain foods actually help boost a childs brain growth and improves brain function, memory, and concentration. Thats a very important piece of information for all parents to ensure that they are giving their kids the superfoods they need to get the most of their school day. Here are a few foods to consider:
Shutting your brain off for a good night sleep
How many of you lay awake at night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep? How many of you flip flop around like a fish out of water, and check that clock 1:17Am, 3:27Am, 4:49Am, 6:30AM..BEEP BEEP BEEP. Your alarm is ringing, time to wake up!! I am getting tired just writing about it!
A Spinning Worry by Robin Stern, Ph.D. and Diana Divecha, Ph.D.
In this book, Alber explains that there are two distinct types of worry: a useful worry, or one that keeps you safe, and A Spinning Worry, or one that you imagine, is not likely to happen and can keep you from fully enjoying your life.