3 mins read

Autism and Organizing for Finals – Part Two

In my last blog I explained how my child with autism now prefers to get ready for finals. Luckily, he accepted my suggested approach to start early and spread out the work. How does his high school organize finals? His high school divides finals up by periods. The school works on a regular six period…

6 mins read

Autism and Public Restrooms

At what age is it appropriate for a child to use a public bathroom by themselves? This question is steered toward a child with special needs. I only have one child and that child has autism. I've never raised a typical child, so I'll stick with what I know. I'm also directing this question toward…

7 mins read

Creative Projects for Kids: Backyard Dinosaur

Open the door, get on the floor… everybody walk the dinosaur! It all started with a little wire and a big idea. With all the best intentions and holding the kids’ hopes and dreams in my mind, I soon ended up on my living room floor completely wrapped in a wire burrito wondering what I’d gotten myself into.

3 mins read

The Best Formula for Babies

If you’ve decided that formula is the best choice for you and your baby, you’ll be met with several choices at the store. It’s not always clear which is best. There is no one right choice. Rather, you have to search to find which is the right formula for your baby and you.