Search Results for: budding
from blackjack to budding entrepreneur
The last ten years have been an amazing ride while staying home with my 2 boys, 3 dogs and 1 husband. Holding a Master of Social Work definitely eased the pain and aided the situation often. As my oldest son approaches double digits, small little thoughts startto sneak into my head.What will I do when the boys have their own teenage lives? Will I have any other accomplishments? Did I really want to go back to social work or am I more creative? I have this teeny, tiny creative idea, but not really sure how to execute. And, then something happened in Vegas.
Why You Should Absolutely Avoid the “Bank Glitch” Trend: Protect Your Financial Future
As a mom of three and a financial advisor, I’ve seen firsthand how essential it is to teach kids about budgeting, saving, and financial responsibility. Equally important is educating them on what not to do, and here’s a prime example: a dangerous trend is circulating on social media, encouraging people to exploit a supposed “bank glitch” to withdraw free cash from ATMs. While this may seem harmless in viral videos, it is actually bank fraud and can lead to serious legal trouble for you or your kids.
8 Tips For Raising Girls with Confidence
I grew up in a picturesque suburb of New York City. By all outside appearances, I had it together: confident, carefree, and a natural leader. I went to college, built a high profile career in the media industry, got married, and had children. Then I had a daughter. The second I heard “it’s a girl,”…
Toddler Developmental Milestones
When a baby starts to walk, he unofficially becomes a toddler. When most people speak of toddlerhood, they are referring to children between 1 and 3 years of age. Toddlers often make major changes, especially in regards to locomotion, thinking and talking. One-year-olds master walking and mobility, while 2-year-olds work on expanding their vocabulary. Toddlers learn to master their bodies and progress from walking to climbing and running. They learn names of body parts and are constantly refining their fine- and gross-motor skills. They become more independent and imitative. Children reach milestones based on their own timetables, but there are averages of when to expect new developments.
2017 Holiday Gift Guide
Gift-giving is truly a talent. It’s not easy to run around from store to store trying to figure out what to get for every single member of your family. We partnered with Square Panda to bring you a gift guide to help you get your shopping done with some personalized options for each recipient. Here…